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FamAcademy - Heart

Are these your thoughts?

There is one relationship that lasts forever.

That’s the relationship with yourself.

The longer you are alone in it, the more challenging could be accepting

  another person near you.

This person has the same relationship with himself/herself. The reality is, in the love relationship there are two bodies, but in each of them there are many different creatures telling us what to do.

You know it.

I know it.

Book a complimentary consultation.


I was a single woman for a long time.  When I was about 50,

I was asked more and more by my friends and not only: “You are still single?”, “Don’t you want to get married?”

I was not sure what the right answer would be. I just wondered:

Why do they I ask me this? Is it anything wrong with me? Isn’t it my business?!”

Some of my friends wanted to encourage me telling me stories how they appreciate that they found life partners again, after they got divorced or after a period of 5 or more years. Some of them suggested to go for online dating.

My answer was: ”NEVER!!!!

I had a real bias against online dating so why should I do it? But the bug was there, doing his job well.

After my inner work, my curiosity won and as usual, instead of “Why?” I created my “What ifs”.

“What if I started dating.”

“What if I found a man that I would be happy with.”

“What if I tried online dating.”


There is always a time to complain. And there is always a time to learn. When is the best one? NOW!

After more “what ifs” I decided. I am going to try. I started. First, it was a journey full of confusion, joy, surprises, excitement, disappointment, awe, wonder, ups and downs. There were fiascos. I was disappointed. I was upset, but as well as I was sure, there must be a way. I decided not to give up, but enjoying it and to find out how it works. I learned and learned and tested. I was having fun. One day it happened. I met the ONE.


He opened my mind and heart.

For 4 years, it was love at distance.

Then we decided for 

our common life chapter.

I started living in a new country,

on the small Island of Malta,

with the man I met online.

If somebody told me this before 

my online dating

I would think the person must be mad.

FamAcademy - Happy Couple

I am very grateful I did not give up. It took me a time to learn what doesn’t work a and what does. It was fun.
Now I am happy to help mature Ladies like you, who is looking for Mr ONE, enjoying


Learn with me.

Here’s what I did to get what I was searching for:

  • I had to go out of my comfort zone.
  • I started the process immediately. In case I did not like it, I finished without further explanations.
  • I have learned new skills that are helping me to grow even now, including mastering IT technology and communication skills.
  • I have learned a lot about myself, what I can offer, what I want to get.
  • I took the advantage of that choice of men that was much bigger than I could ever imagine.
  • I met men from all over the world and dated more of them without feeling guilty.
  • I did not spend money for travelling or some new outfits to go out when I was on my date.
  • I have learned about different countries where I have never been, about their history or culture from a totally different perspective.
  • I took as much time as I wanted to think and decide what’s next.
  • I have learned how to overcome my bias, limited beliefs and prejudices.
  • I enjoyed online dating, I could have a date even in pyjama staying comfortably on my sofa.
  • I enjoyed mastering my sense of humour and creativity while dating potential love partners.
  • I changed my beliefs and I changed my life.

Life is colourful and has a lot to offer. You can complain that there are no good ones for you or you can allow yourself to experiment something new, weird but playful that helps you to grow. There is nothing wrong to be picky.

You can stay comfortably on your sofa, but get out of your comfort zone 

to pick-up something that you are involved in.

Here is how I can help: Learn with me.

Learn your love lesson through coaching, guided by me, using tools and techniques, that work.

Take control over your love life.

“Stop waiting for fun, miraculously land at your feet. 

Playfulness rewards the ones who go looking for it.”

Meredith Sinclair

Book a complimentary consultation.
Learn with me.

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